An aging Hollywood star, Joe Scott, lives a life of narcissistic hedonism, observed by his laconic personal assistant, Ophelia. The death of his...
Flashbacks of a Fool
Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12,...
Constantinople, 1401. The emperor of Byzantium asks the famous knight Tirant lo Blanc to free the city from the siege of the Turks. After his...
The Maidens' Conspiracy
Two hopeful lads from Leatherhead trying to break into the movies stumble upon the opportunity of a lifetime. Frustrated by their arty film teacher,...
I Want Candy
After the body of a 14-year-old girl is found in a field, detective Ted Lyle and his wife Sandra are among local parents caught up in a wave of fear...
Summer in the Suburbs
Abortionist Vera Drake finds her beliefs and practices clash with the mores of 1950s Britain – a conflict that leads to tragedy for her family.
Vera Drake
Set against a backdrop of early '60s London, Telstar is the story of the world's first independent record producer, Joe Meek. A maverick genius who...
Telstar: The Joe Meek Story
Following Charlie Bright and his friends over one hot summer on the South London housing estate where they live. With Tommy about to join the army...
Goodbye Charlie Bright
Based on the real life story of Kevin Lewis, the film follows his childhood of abuse, his descent into a life of crime and the way he put his life...
The Kid