The story follows Allahyar, a young and mischievous boy who ends up dealing with circumstances he never thought possible. The movie aims to shed...
Allahyar and the Legend of Markhor
He's looking for a way out of the city. But his only escape is through a woman looking for revenge.
Laal Kabootar
An adventurous doctor meets a handsome Chinese backpacker while travelling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.
Chalay Thay Saath
Parey Hut Love (transl. Stay Away, Love) is a 2019 Pakistani romantic comedy film, directed by Asim Raza. Written by Imran Aslam, the story...
Parey Hut Love
When a young man crashes the wrong wedding, the bride seizes the opportunity to make a run for it and together they attempt to evade her overbearing...
Balu Mahi
SherDil follows it's lead character Haris Mustafa, as he journeys from the academy to becoming a Flt Lt in the PAF, chasing his goals that are...
Revolves around the Punjabi wedding culture.
Manje Bistre 3