The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody...
Shadow Hunters 2: Echo of Destiny
A civic music group, created by Tsukasa Nitta, a high school teacher in Koriyama City, and Akiko Watanabe, the daughter of a record shop and teacher...
A Chorus of One Million People
1954 Theater of Life adaptation.
Jinsei Gekijo Yokubo hen: sanshu kirako
Abare inu is a 1965 action-comedy film directed by Kazuo Mori. It is the fourth film in the series.
Rampaging Dog
The fourth installment of G-men of Japan
G-men of Japan 4: Special Armed Unit Mobilization
To fulfill a friend’s dying wish, a young sailor Kenji takes on the task of delivering an heirloom to his friend’s daughter, Harumi, who...
The Deep Blue Sea
1961 Japanese film about the Shinsengumi.
Fûun Shinsengumi
Seventh film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Invisible Fiend
Eighth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The No-Headed Man
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means...
Dawn of Judo
Japanese youth film.
Spring Voyage
The eighth film in the "master detective with seven faces" series. Bannachi patrols the town in his taxi when he sees a man heading into Shiodome...
Seven Masks of Revenge
Japanese mystery film.
Man of Thirteen Eyes
A young, struggling couple are making every sacrifice so they will one day in the not-too-distant-future, have enough money to get married. As they...
The Naked Sun
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately...
The Story of Pure Love
Adaptation of "The Lady Killer" by Masako Togawa.
A Hunter's Diary
Based on a 1956 television feature on Japan’s national network, NHK, this is one of Uchida’s rarest films. A socially conscious drama...
The Eleventh Hour
Revenge breeds revenge. Ikuta Denpachiro, the martial arts instructor of the Honda family in Koriyama, lost a fight to the young samurai Enjo...
Temple of Revenge
Kono sora no aru kagiri